Friday 30 March 2012

Blog 5: Dividing Attention by zero


Basically the clip summed up what this week's reading was basically talking about. We've long past the early days of the digital age. With the influx of social networking and digital democracy, people are able to go on the internet and find information, mostly clean and useful information for free. Linking this with archive fever last week, I've come to realize that our memories are a form of archiving. We archive information everyday and use it when we need it in the future. Like this video clip, I didn't expect to remember this scene in Up but after doing the lectures I've come to realize how fitting it is. A form of Archive Fever is the obsession we get towards trivial stuff when we have access to the internet, searching google for no particular reasons, checking facebook for updates, that kinda stuff.

What that clip basically suggests, is that because there's so much 'noise' on the internet, different sources, advertisements and information, it's actually stretching out our attention spans. People who use the internet on a regular basis such as myself feels that its difficult to sit down and read a single article for the readings knowing there's at least another 17 others I need to read. 

As for the stuff about commons, I interpreted it to have something to do with marxist ideology, but then I thought of the internet as an example. I feel that places like the commons have a massive impact on the idea of multiple circles of assemblage. But an ideal commons on the internet is difficult to set up as there is always information and restrictions that stops people from accessing certain and often private information. 

Squirrell!!!!!! Best part from the movie Up, pixar 2009, online video, Youtube, accessed 14 May 2012, 

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